Envirosure’s Transport Clean-up Policy is a comprehensive environmental policy for customers transporting hazardous goods and potential pollutants.

Over the years this cover has been perfected to offer the most value to the Insured, while still offering a personalised service. This cover is designed to protect transporters of dangerous goods and potential pollutants from the extensive costs of pollution and rehabilitation following an environmental incident. Potential pollutants can include items as diverse as food products, paint and detergents.


Cover Benefits

Envirosure’s Transport Clean-up Policy is a comprehensive environmental policy for customers transporting hazardous goods and potential pollutants.

Over the years this cover has been perfected to offer the most value to the Insured, while still offering a personalised service. This cover is designed to protect transporters of dangerous goods and potential pollutants from the extensive costs of pollution and rehabilitation following an environmental incident. Potential pollutants can include items as diverse as food products, paint and detergents.


Cover Benefits

Cover Benefits

Envirosure’s Transport Clean-up Policy is a comprehensive environmental policy for customers transporting hazardous goods and potential pollutants.

Over the years this cover has been perfected to offer the most value to the Insured, while still offering a personalised service. This cover is designed to protect transporters of dangerous goods and potential pollutants from the extensive costs of pollution and rehabilitation following an environmental incident. Potential pollutants can include items as diverse as food products, paint and detergents.


Cover Solutions

Envirosure is proud to offer its customers a revolutionary product designed to simplify and expedite all clean-up and insurance aspects related to an environmental spill. Thanks to our partnership with Spill Tech, we are able to offer an industry first: the Spill Protect Plan™ which provides comprehensive cover incorporating risk management, insurance and claims management.

Our policyholders automatically qualify for a Service Level Agreement with Spill Tech. This ensures that any clean-up will be handled by a leading South African spill-response company.

The Spill Protect Plan™ is designed as a complete environmental impairment management solution to provide: 

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This cover is specifically designed for small operators (vehicle mass under 3500kg) handling dangerous goods dealing with exempted quantities as per SANS 10232, in accordance with the National Road Traffic Act 1996 as amended.

Once the transporter has been on cover with us for a 3-month period, we are able to offer the benefits detailed. We have tailor made/customised a Compliance Assist benefit for these policyholders. The insured is required to contact the Hazcall24 Call Centre immediately in the event of a claim, to benefit from this cover. 



Cover for the clean-up of non-hazardous cargo (not UN Listed products) from vehicles listed in the schedule to an indemnity limit of R250 000 per incident with an excess of R25 000 payable.

Cover only allows for clean-up costs as a result of a motor peril as per the Envirosure policy wording. Rehabilitation and restoration are specifically excluded. Side Tank cover indemnity limit, to a maximum of R50 000 per incident.



This cover is specifically designed for transporters making use of contractors or sub-contractors to transport their dangerous goods.

The insured is required to contact the Hazcall24 Call Centre immediately in the event of a claim, to benefit from this cover.



Envirosure offers an extension called Contingency Solution. This cover is specifically designed to insure the consignor in the event of an environmental incident, involving a contractor or sub-contractor of the insured. This is particularly applicable when their underlying environmental policy has not responded due to nonpayment of the premium.

The insured is required to contact the Hazcall24 Call Centre immediately in the event of a claim, to benefit from this cover.



This cover is specifically designed for the insured who is not the owner of the vehicle being utilised to transport the dangerous goods they have purchased, nor the owner of the premises where the product is stored. The insured will not have custody of the dangerous goods product and will utilise specified contractors, which must be listed by company name and registration number of the vehicle.

The insured is required to contact the Hazcall24 Call Centre immediately in the event of a claim, to benefit from this cover.



Cover Solutions

Envirosure is proud to offer its customers a revolutionary product designed to simplify and expedite all clean-up and insurance aspects related to an environmental spill. Thanks to our partnership with Spill Tech, we are able to offer an industry first: the Spill Protect Plan™ which provides comprehensive cover incorporating risk management, insurance and claims management.

Our policyholders automatically qualify for a Service Level Agreement with Spill Tech. This ensures that any clean-up will be handled by a leading South African spill-response company.

The Spill Protect Plan™ is designed as a complete environmental impairment management solution to provide: 

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This cover is specifically designed for small operators (vehicle mass under 3500kg) handling dangerous goods dealing with exempted quantities as per SANS 10232, in accordance with the National Road Traffic Act 1996 as amended.

Once the transporter has been on cover with us for a 3-month period, we are able to offer the benefits detailed. We have tailor made/customised a Compliance Assist benefit for these policyholders. The insured is required to contact the Hazcall24 Call Centre immediately in the event of a claim, to benefit from this cover. 



Cover for the clean-up of non-hazardous cargo (not UN Listed products) from vehicles listed in the schedule to an indemnity limit of R250 000 per incident with an excess of R25 000 payable.

Cover only allows for clean-up costs as a result of a motor peril as per the Envirosure policy wording. Rehabilitation and restoration are specifically excluded. Side Tank cover indemnity limit, to a maximum of R50 000 per incident.



This cover is specifically designed for transporters making use of contractors or sub-contractors to transport their dangerous goods.

The insured is required to contact the Hazcall24 Call Centre immediately in the event of a claim, to benefit from this cover.



Envirosure offers an extension called Contingency Solution. This cover is specifically designed to insure the consignor in the event of an environmental incident, involving a contractor or sub-contractor of the insured. This is particularly applicable when their underlying environmental policy has not responded due to nonpayment of the premium.

The insured is required to contact the Hazcall24 Call Centre immediately in the event of a claim, to benefit from this cover.



This cover is specifically designed for the insured who is not the owner of the vehicle being utilised to transport the dangerous goods they have purchased, nor the owner of the premises where the product is stored. The insured will not have custody of the dangerous goods product and will utilise specified contractors, which must be listed by company name and registration number of the vehicle.

The insured is required to contact the Hazcall24 Call Centre immediately in the event of a claim, to benefit from this cover.



Value Added Products

Excess Solution is not just an excess reducer, it comes with many additional benefits.


Benefits for claims within RSA only

Additional extension to cross border claims

Excess Solution – Transfer Assist covers transfers that are not related to claim mitigation such as contaminated loads, pump tank failures etc.



Side Tank Solution covers the side tank (self-powered) diesel spill clean-up and rehabilitation costs. In the event of an accident, on many occasions the diesel side tank is ruptured, spilling its diesel into the environment. These types of spillages can range from 10 litres to 1 000 litres, often covering a large road surface and road shoulder.

This can create an environmental problem for the surrounding environment, which may result in large clean-up and disposal costs. Due to the loss of fuel from an incident, Envirosure’s side tank cover will also include a fuel reimbursement voucher to the maximum value of R5 000 per claim. Subject to 1 claim per every 5 vehicles on cover, within a 12 month period.



Riot & Strike Solution is an extension which ensures the Transport Clean-up policy covers a claim in the event of riots and strikes. Cover is limited to clean-up and rehabilitation of the environment only.



Harbour Solution covers any spillages as a direct result of the loading/offloading activities from a vessel to the insured vehicle whilst in the harbour/port or the harbour’s edge (quayside).

Cover will extend to clean-up costs only – liability is excluded in addition to the standard exclusions listed in the full policy wording.



This cover is specifically designed to offer protection against third-party insurance claims, resulting from injuries and damage to people and/or property as a direct result of an environmental incident resulting in a claim as defined by the Envirosure policy.



Value Added Products

Excess Solution is not just an excess reducer, it comes with many additional benefits.


Benefits for claims within RSA only

Additional extension to cross border claims

Excess Solution – Transfer Assist covers transfers that are not related to claim mitigation such as contaminated loads, pump tank failures etc.



Side Tank Solution covers the side tank (self-powered) diesel spill clean-up and rehabilitation costs. In the event of an accident, on many occasions the diesel side tank is ruptured, spilling its diesel into the environment. These types of spillages can range from 10 litres to 1 000 litres, often covering a large road surface and road shoulder.

This can create an environmental problem for the surrounding environment, which may result in large clean-up and disposal costs. Due to the loss of fuel from an incident, Envirosure’s side tank cover will also include a fuel reimbursement voucher to the maximum value of R5 000 per claim. Subject to 1 claim per every 5 vehicles on cover, within a 12 month period.



Riot & Strike Solution is an extension which ensures the Transport Clean-up policy covers a claim in the event of riots and strikes. Cover is limited to clean-up and rehabilitation of the environment only.



Harbour Solution covers any spillages as a direct result of the loading/offloading activities from a vessel to the insured vehicle whilst in the harbour/port or the harbour’s edge (quayside).

Cover will extend to clean-up costs only – liability is excluded in addition to the standard exclusions listed in the full policy wording.





Value Added Benefits

Envirosure is committed to adding value to our clients. We have created two compliance benefits to assist our transporters with their needs while transporting dangerous goods. Once the transporter has been on cover with us for a 3-month period, we are able to offer the benefits detailed.

The Sub-Contractor, LDV and Contingency Solutions are not offered as part of this benefit.


Benefit 1

Benefit 2

This is a value added benefit for certain Transport Cleanup policyholders. This gives the policyholder cover for all his drivers and co-drivers, when on shift or on duty with the insured.

The Sub-Contractor and Contingency Solutions are not offered as part of this benefit.

Old Mutual Insure Limited (Registration number 1970/006619/06) underwrites and administers this Policy. Old Mutual Insure is a licensed Financial Services Provider (Licence No.12) and Non-Life Insurer.



Value Added Benefits

Envirosure is committed to adding value to our clients. We have created two compliance benefits to assist our transporters with their needs while transporting dangerous goods. Once the transporter has been on cover with us for a 3-month period, we are able to offer the benefits detailed.

The Sub-Contractor, LDV and Contingency Solutions are not offered as part of this benefit.


Benefit 1

Benefit 2

This is a value added benefit for certain Transport Cleanup policyholders. This gives the policyholder cover for all his drivers and co-drivers, when on shift or on duty with the insured.

The Sub-Contractor and Contingency Solutions are not offered as part of this benefit.

Old Mutual Insure Limited (Registration number 1970/006619/06) underwrites and administers this Policy. Old Mutual Insure is a licensed Financial Services Provider (Licence No.12) and Non-Life Insurer.

